Prairie Grove, Washington County, Arkansas
Mrs. Tobe Beaver Dead.
Mrs. Mary Beaver, wife of Mr. W. T. Beaver, died Thursday night. Aug. 15th, at their home Northeast of Prairie Grove. Mrs. Beaver had been in feeble health for about three years, and one year ago she was operated upon for appendicitis, but she never fully regained her strength.
Mrs. Beaver was about 48 years of age, and before marriage was Miss Mary Henderson, daughter of Joel Henderson, who lives two miles west of Farmington.
She is survived by her husband and seven children, Mrs. Mary Talkington of near Farmington, Frank Beaver of Fayetteville, Robert Beaver, Miss Lora Beaver, Lester Beaver, Miss Myrtle Beaver and Miss Opal Beaver, all of whom lived with their parents. Mrs. Beaver was a member of the Little Elm Baptist church.
The funeral services were held at the home Friday afternoon, and the burial was made in the Farmington cemetery.