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Mrs. Adeline Howell Bloomfield Buried in Prairie Grove.
Mr. James W. Howell received a message last Thursday announcing the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Adeline Bloomfield, at her home near Blocker, Okla.. and he left that afternoon for Blocker, but his mother died Friday before he arrived at her bedside. She had been sick for about 11 days with malarial fever, and was also partially paralyzed.
Mrs. Bloomfield was about 69 years of age, and was born and reared in this county, and nearly all of her life had been spent in this county until two years ago, when she removed to near Blocker, Okla., to live.
Besides her husband she is survived by eight children, six sons and two daughters. She was a member of the Baptist church.
The remains were brought to Prairie Grove for burial, arriving here on the afternoon train Tuesday afternoon, and the interment was made at 4 o'clock, the services at the grave being conductted by Rev. F. A. Bradshaw.