Hickman, Sevier County, Tennessee
PARKS, John O. – Col. John O. Parks, of Prairie Grove, was a welcome visitor at this office Saturday last. We are glad to see the Col. fully recovered from a recent spell of sickness. [Fayetteville Democrat 1/31/1884]
Tribute of Respect – Hall of Occidental Lodge, No. 436, F.& A.M., Prairie Grove, Ark.. April 16 1889 – Whereas, Death the great leveler of all human distinction has again visited the circle of our brotherhood, and removed from life and usefulness, our esteemed friend and brother, John O. Parks, a man long and favorably known in the circle of business and in the private walks of life; and,
Whereas, He was ever held in high respect, for his exalted integrity, his faithfulness in friendship, his eminent social qualities and his love of masonry; therefore,
Resolved, That in the death of our lamented brother, we have lost one of our most beloved and esteemed members, whose loss we deplore and whose absence we mourn.
Resolved. That we are comforted by the hope that our loss is his eternal gain, and that in the resurrection of the just, we shall, if faithful, meet him in the Grand Lodge above.
Resolved. That we his brethren of Occidental Lodge No. 436, hereby tender to his bereft family our most sincere and profound expressions of sympathy in this their day of great sorrow.
Resolved. That in testimony of our esteem for our departed brother, and in token of sorrow for his death, the members of the Lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Lodge, that a copy be sent to the family of the deceased brother, and also to papers of the county for publication. (Signed) E.G. McCormick, W.N. Butler, J.J. Baggett - Committee