Waldron, Scott County, Arkansas
Geo. Boilin Died at Noon
Mr. George Bollin died Tuesday a few minutes before 12 o'clock, death being caused by infiuenza- pneumonia. This is the third death in this family in a week's time, all due to this disease. George arrived here Monday of last week from his home at Whitesboro, Texas, to be with his brother, Otto Bollin who was sick with pneumonia. On Wednesday following his arrival here he was taken siek with influ enza, which soon developed into! pneumonia. On Thursday Otto Bollin and bis little two year old daughter both died of this disease. For a few days George seemed to be getting along very well. His wife and little son were summon- ed to his bedside, and shortly after their arrival here the little son be- came sick with influensa, but be is now greatly improved. George gradually became worse and Tues- day about noon he passed away.
George W. Bollin was the eld- estson of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bollin of Prairie Grove. He was born at Waldron, Ark., April 8, 1887, but the greater part of his life was spent here. Several years ago he went to Whitesboro, Tex.. where on Nov. 17. 1909. be was married to Miss Lula Raney, who survives her husband with one son. He is also survived by his parents and one brother and two sisters, Cecil Bollin and Mrs. Dewey Stokes and Mrs. Ben Wilson, ail of Prairie Grove.
The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Thos Beck, and the burial made in the Prairie Grove cemetery.
This grief stricken family circle have the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.