General Information

22 MAR 1839
Elkins, AR (Madison County)
19 JAN 1892
Salem Springs, Arkansas
White Rock Cemetery, Washington County, Dutch Mills, Arkansas


GROVE, Washington County - GONE

Just as the sun began to shine forth over the eastern horizon in its beauty, Tuesday morning, January 19, 1892, over a land which was wrapped in snow, ceased to exist for the time being the soul of sister Lucinda E. Watson, her spirit going back to God who gave it, and her lovely body to be returned to the dust from whence it came.

To know Sister Watson was to love her, for her amiable disposition and loving kindness toward all she met, formed a bond of Love and admiration. And to say that she was a good woman, and true Christian is not saying to much of her. And, that the reader may know how she was esteemed By those that know her, I will copy a part of the minutes of the Salem Springs Union Sunday School, which was adopted on January 24, 1892, as follows: While, in submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, in the taking of Sister Lucinda Watson from our midst receive a great loss, and fear her place in the Sunday School will never be filled by another, but we believe our loss in her gain, therefore we as a school, believe that if we can only exampling her daily walks in Christain deeds and loving kindness that we, after passing beyond, may yet enjoy her amiable presence, as we think she is not dead but liveth in the resurrection with all those that love God and obey his commandment, therefor, be it

RESOLVED, That henceforth we try to imitate her in only daily walk, that we, with her, may live forever, and in token of the love and admiration we had for Sister Lucinda, let this be spread on the minutes of our Sunday School, and a copy be given to the bereaved family.

By order of the School

The subject of this piece was born in Madison County of this State in the year 1839. Her maiden name was King. She professed religion in her sixteenth year. She was wedded in Matrimony to uncle Sammuel Watson (as he is called) in Rockwell Co., Texas in the year 1860(?). she leaves an aged husband, five children and all that know her to weep, though there should not be a tear shed nor a mournful sigh over her departure, as pain, sickness and sorrowing is no more to her, but instead when Christ the Lord comes the second time to gather unto himself his jewels, she will number one of that happy band, and we should all be help of God, try while we live here on earth to so live that when that great event take place, we may be numbered with the blessed.

(Note- I received a letter from Norma Hassler - 1725 Live Oak Valley Circle - Waco, TX 76710-1039 dated October 1, 1997; she was writing about Mary Bonds death and enclosed the above family history;


Frederick Alfred King
- Father
1813 - 1887
4 JUL 1813
South Carolina
21 JUN 1887
Elkins, AR (Mt. Oliver Cemetery)
Lucian A. Martin
- Mother
1821 - 1888
17 JUL 1821
Alabama, USA
21 SEP 1888
Elkins, AR (Mt. Oliver Cemetery)


Samuel Watson
- Husband
1842 - 1906
17 MAY 1842
Sevier County, Tennessee
Rockwell County, TX (?Madison, AR)
5 SEP 1906
Dutch Mills, Washington County, Arkansas
White Rock Cemetery, Washington County, Dutch Mills, Arkansas


Rhoda Caledonia Callie Watson
- Daughter
1874 - 1962
28 AUG 1874
Salem Springs, AR (Dutch Mills)
8 MAR 1962
Searcy, ARSearcy, Arkansas
10 MAR 1962
Westville Cemetery, Adair County, Westville, Oklahoma
Tommy F. Watson
- Son
1869 - 1963
Kansas City, MO (Jackson County)
Joplin, Missouri
Ozark Memorial Park Cemetery, Joplin, Missouri
Clemmie Watson
- Daughter
Washington County, AR
Margaret Maggie Watson
- Daughter
Salem Springs, AR (Washington County)
Fort Smith, AR
Ana Liza Watson
- Daughter
Mary Jane Watson
- Daughter
1873 - 1960
2 MAR 1873
Salem Springs, Washington County, Dutch Mills, Arkansas
28 APR 1960
Lincoln, Washington County, Arkansas
30 APR 1960
Lincoln Cemetery, Washington County, Arkansas