General Information



Mrs. M. C. Broughton

Funeral service for Mrs. Martha C. Broughton, 83, was held from the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the pastor, the Rev. E. E. Stevenson, officiating, and burial was made in the Prairie Grove cemetery with J. L. King of the Southern funeral service, in charge.

The choir, with Mrs. Wayne Stone accompanist sang "Near- er My God To Thee," and "Sweet Hour of Prayer." R. C. Lee sang. "Death Is Only A Dream," and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dorman sang, "When The Glory Bells Ring."

Pallbearers were R. H. Skelton, Guy Skelton, B. H. Slaton, J J. Fidler, and D. N. McCormick. Misses Ruby Wilson, Pauline Harrison and Helen Fidler were in charge of the flowers.

Mrs. Broughton was the daughter of Mary Hobbs and William Atkisson.

She was born near Farmington, March 21, 1818, and died at her home here at 2:35 o'clock Sunday morning, at the age of 83 years, nine months and two days.

She was married to Wiley Broughton on October 13, 1887. Mr. Broughton died on March 26, 1910.

She united with the Methodist church at Farmington about 66 years ago, where she held her membership until recent years when she moved it to Prairie Grove. She was thankful to her duties in her e and the church, always attending services when he: th would permit.

Out-of-town relatives he the funeral were: C. A uchton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. per and family of Pierce ty, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. J. C Volters and family of Heaven- r. Okla., Mrs. Nettie Thurmand son of Ada, Okla., Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bayles and family f St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Atkisson and family and Wil' TanHorn of Fayetteville, M: and Mrs. John Turner of West "e. and Clifford Turner Texarkana.




Wiley Broughton
- Husband
1845 - 1911
24 OCT 1845
13 OCT 1887
26 MAY 1911
Farmington Cemetery, Washington County, Arkanss
