Prairie Grove, Washington County, Arkansas
Emmitt Babb, aged 39, son of Mrs. Cynthia Babb, was killed Sunday night when his car went into a ditch on the highway east of the Illinois river bridge near Prairie Grove. He was still alive when found by passing motorists but died a few minutes later. neck was dislocated and his skull crushed. Cause of the accident is unkown as Mr. Babb was alone in the car.
He had supper at eight o'clock at the home of his nephew, Marvin DeVore, in Prairie Grove and the time the tragedy occurred was some time between that hour and 10:00.
Mr. Babb was a fine mechanic and was a valuable em- ployee of the Southern Merc- antile Company at the time of his death.
Funeral services were held from the Methodist church Tuesday morning, Rev. Edward Forrest, officiating, and burial was made at the Sharp cemetery, south of Prairie Grove.
Besides his mother, four brothers and two sisters survive as follows: Charles and Jim of Prairie Grove; Jack of Forgan, Oklahoma; Mack and Mrs. Annie Newton of North Bend, Oregon; and Mrs. Ethel Hope of Brinkley; also one half brother and sister, Claibourne Davalt of Tulsa and Mrs. Henry Wheeler of Prairie Grove.