Washington County, Arkansas
Henry Brotherlon Mets Horrible Death.
One of the most shocking accidents that has occurred in this county recently, befell Henry Brotherton last Friday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock, when he was instantly killed by falling against a circular saw that was running at a speed of about 500 revolutions per minute.
The accident occurred at Jack Hulse's saw mill, one-half mile above Big Spring, on Sweetwater creek. The mill crew were engaged in sawing a very large log, and in turning the log on the carriage, two wheels of the carriage were thrown off the track. Henry Brotherton took a handspike and got on the opposite side of the carriage to help lift the carriage back on the track. It is supposed his handspike slipped and he fell head first across the corner of the carriage, striking the saw with left side and arm, cutting side and shoulder off from the body, then cutting out at back of his head, leaving him in three pieces.
Floyd Roberts, the sawyer at the mill, was about two feet in front of the saw, down on his knees trying to get the wheels back on the track, and happened to look up just in time to see Henry Brotherton as he fell against the Saw. Garrison Grant, the engineer at the mill, also saw the accident and jumped to the throttle and stopped the engine as quickly as possible, but too late to save his life.
Henry Brotherton was 35 years of age. and leaves a wife and six children, the oldest about 11 years of age. We understand the family is left in destitute circumstances.