General Information

12 MAR 1835
Marion County, Missouri
12 NOV 1888
Wyman, Washington, Arkansas, USA



BOYD, Armintie WALKER - Died, at her home, near Wyman, Nov. 12,

1888, Mrs. Armintie Boyd, wife of F.M. Boyd, age 52 years. Mrs. Boyd was

a daughter of Tendy W. Walker, a native of Union county, Mo. She came to

Washington county, Arkansas, in 1860, and was married to Mr. F.M. Boyd,

February 1,1866. She had no children of her own, but raised three orphan

children, two of whom had married, but the third one, a sweet little girl

named Bessie, whom she had raised from her infancy was with her when

she died and grieved over the death of her dear mamma as though she had

been her own natural mother; and well she might, for Mrs. Boyd had been

to her all that a living mother could possibly be to her own child. She had

watcher over her infancy, guided her first tottering footsteps, taught her

useful and instructive lessons in childhood and took great pride in the

rapid advancement in her studies and in her accomplishments in music.

Little Bessie is disconsolate at the loss of such a dear good mother and Mr.

Boyd is crushed under the weight of his greatest sorrow that has ever come

to his once happy home, and in this most terrible of all afflictions, the

disconsolate husband and the mourning child who has thus been deprived

of a girl's best friend-the good mother-have the sympathy (not legible)

for no one knew the dear good Christian woman but to love her. Mrs. Boyd

had been a consistent Christian and member of the Methodist Church for

twn or twelve years, and died in the blessed hope of a glorious immortality.

It has been remarked since her death by her neighbors against whose good

name no word of evil had ever been spoken. She was a truly good woman,

a kind-hearted neighbor, a friend to the needy and distressed, and her

sudden death brought sorrow into many homes and tears from eyes not

accustomed to weep for other's woes. The writer knows whereof he speaks,

for he had known her intimately for many years, and had enjoyed her kind

hospitality at her own beautiful home, which was always lighted up by her

pleasant smiles, and where the friends of herself and her husband were

sure of a cordial welcome. J.H.V.H. [Fayetteville Democrat 11/30/881

BOYD, Arminta - As a last tribute of respect to the memory of Mrs.

Arminta Boyd, funeral discourses will be delivered at the Wyman church

house on Sunday, the 12th of May, 1889 by Rev. H.M. Welch and Uncle

Moses Dutton. Mrs. Boyd was a good woman, greatly beloved by all who

knew her and there will be a large attendance on the 2nd Sunday in May

at Wyman, drawn thither by a common desire to pay a last tribute to her

memory, and hear Prof. Welch and Uncle Mose preach on a subject about

which so much of good can truthfully be said. The many sorrowing friends

of Mrs. F.M. Boyd and the public generally are cordially invited to attend. -

Fayetteville Democrat 4/12/89



Francis Marion Boyd
- Husband
1840 - 1907
14 MAY 1840
Oxford Bend, Washington County, Arkansas
10 MAY 1907
Fayetteville, Washingnton County, Arkansas
Sons Chapel Cemetery, Washington County, Fayetteville, Arkansas


Bessie Boyd
- Daughter
Leone Boyd
- Daughter
Edith Boyd
- Daughter