West Fork, Washington County, Arkansas
RUTHERFORD, John A. -We are requested to give notice that Liberty
Grange No. 332, West Ford, this county, will decorate the grave of their
late worthy Brother J.A. Rutherford, deceased, next Saturday, the 1st day
of September, The Grange will meet at David Hope’s at 10 o’clock a.m. The
members of other granges and friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend. [Fayetteville Democrat 9/1/77]
Resolutions of respect for John A. Rutherford from Liberty Grange No. 332
with the usual remarks expressing sympathy for the widow, children and
relatives of the deceased. [Fayetteville Democrat 9/29/77]
This is a small cemetery located on a hill west of Carrpbell
(north of West Fork) on land owned by Roy Robinson. His father,
John Robinson, deeded it for a cemetery, but the deed was not recorded.
Bryant, Margaret, born 1344, died before 1850. (Her father,
probably A. H. Bryant, a neighbor of John A Rutherford, ~ave
the land. This is the first burial; she died of a rattlesnake
Martin, D. N. E., infant daughter of W. J. & L., July 1881
Martin, Elisabeth Ann, Mar. 11, 1819-June 13, 1886, wife of
Martin, G. T., infant son of W. J. & L. (probably Hilliam &
Lucinda), 1883
Hartin, J. R. p., May 5' 1872-Aug. 14' 1888
Martin, J. W. , June 14, 1860-Feb. 11, 1862
Martin, James, l'lar. 4, 11307-Feb. 7, 1881
Rutherford, John A., Apr. 6, 1810-Aug. 7, 1877
Rutherford, Malinda E. Martin, l·'lar. 8, 18186-Jan. 25, 1863,
wife of John A. Rutherford
sawyers, John fil., June 26, 1839-no date. Son of James M.
Sawyers and Lucinda Billingsley. (His wife was probably
Jane Willbanks, b. 1839, who buried him by her mother,
Eliza \'lillbanks . )
Willbanks, Eliza, 1821-1885, wife of William \'lillbanks