Prairie Grove, Washington County, Arkansas
GREEN, child -News of a sad accident occurring at Lowell has reached
us. Thursday evening of last week during a thunder storm the five year old
child of Dr. Green was struck by lightning and almost instantly killed. It
had climbed upon the bed within a few inches of its mother and was there
when it was so suddenly stricken down and the strange thing about it is
that Mrs. Green was comparatively uninjured by the stroke. She experienced
a considerable shock however but not serious. On the opposite side
of the bed from where the child was laying the railing of the bed was struck
and splintered and how Mrs. Green escaped is a miracle. The little child
was buried Saturday at Prairie Grove. It is hard to have one of our bright
little ones taken from us but when they are snatched away so suddenly
without a moments warning and in what seems such a cruel manner the
blow is doubly severe. Dr. Green and wife have the sympathy of their
Springdale friends in their hour of grief. [The Springdale News 6/12/1891]