Stevenville, Texas
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Allen, 76, who died March 11 at her home near Rhea, Ark., where she had lived for 56 years, were held from the M.E. church at Rhea, March 12, Rev. Wm Sherman, pastor of the M.E. Church, Fayetteville, who was her pastor when he served his first pastoral charge, officiated, assisted by Rev. e.e. stevenson of Prairie Grove, and Rev. J.c. Show her pastor.
Pallbeares ere: Luther pasley, Jeff David, Orlan Crawford, A.V. Pasley, Jeff David, Orlan Crawford, A.V. Pasley, Lloyd Crawford and Horace carter.
Mrs. Allen was born in Erath county, Texas, October 5, 1854 married to S.G. Allen, March 1, 1876, who died in Jan. 1913.
Surviving children are Robert E. Allen and Homer Allen of Kansas City, MO., Elmer Allen of Lubbock, Texas, S.F. Allen of DeQuinmcy, LA. Roy Allen of Muskogee, Oklahoma, and Clara Allen of Rhea.
The oldest child died at the age of four, and Maud, who married Lloyd Crawford, died Dec. 1, 1924. Other surviving relatives are a brother and sister in Texas, 13 grandchildren, and three great grand children.
All of the children were with her during her last illness an were present at the funeral except Elmer.