Jacob Preston Pyeatt
General Information
Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas
PYEATTE, Jacob Preston - Jacob P. Pyeatte was born 1829 the son of Peter Pyeatte (1793-1856) and Polly MILLER Pyeatte. He married Amelia Crozier and they became the parents of three children: Peter C., born October 14, 1856; Charles P., born October 9, 1858 and Jacob Finley Pyeatte, born October 26, 1860. Jacob was killed at the battle of Oak Hills in Missouri August 10, 1861. He was the first Confederate soldier from Cane Hill to fall in battle. [The Pyeatts and theCarnahans of Old Cane Hill, Washington County Historical Society- No. 8 of Bulletin Series, W.J. Lemke, editor]
1850 Census of Northwest Arkansas:
Washington Counties - Bobbie Jones McLane and Desmond Walls Allen
Cane Hill Township
PYEATT, Peter 57, Mary 46, Jacob 21, John
19, Henderson 17, Andrew 15, Jessee 10
NC/KY dwg 11 6, Cane Hill twp
Guilford, North Carolina
Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas
Livingston, Kentucky
Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas
Cane Hill, Washington County, Arkansas
Cane Hill, Washington County, Arkansas
killed at the battle of Oak Hills in Missouri August 10, 1861. He was the first Confederate soldier from Cane Hill to fall in battle